Pumpkinfest Pumpkinfest Pumpkinfest Pumpkinfest

News and Upcoming Pumpkinfest Events

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  • Port Elgin Pumpkinfest’s Cinderella’s Carriage Rolling Car Show switched to Virtual Show due to Covid-19
    September 24, 2020 | 2 comments


    Port Elgin, ON:  The Pumpkinfest Board of Directors has made the decision to revert to our original plan for the car show for 2020.  Cars will be showcased online and during the live stream on October 3. 

    “Regardless of the careful thought and preparation that has gone into the OLG Cinderella’s Carriage Rolling Car Show to keep both the participants and local community safe, we must put the health and safety of our community first”, says Sharon Shular, Car Show Chair.  She continues,  "COVID-19 requires the people of our world to be careful and respectful of each other. On Saturday, September 19, a large group of individuals gathered in Ancaster, Ontario for a car event.  This has prompted swift and concise action from the Provincial Government and local health authorities.  We havee also been watching the numbers of COVID-19 cases in our province rise to alarming numbers in the last few weeks and have made this decision on the advice of Public Health Grey-Bruce and the Saugeen Shores Police Services."   

    A selection of the hundreds of car show pre-registrants who submitted a photo of their car will be showcased during the live streaming of the Bruce Power International Weigh Off event on Saturday, October 3. You can still add your car to the live stream by submitting your photo at www.pumpkinfest.org/carshow/carshow.

    We would like to thank Public Health and Saugeen Shores for working with us to ensure the Weigh Off will continue, and is a safe event.  We have strict protocols and controls in place with no public attendance allowed.  The public must watch from their homes.  Growers arrive in a highly monitored, restricted area, stay in their vehicles until directed to unload and weigh their vegetables one grower at a time and then disperse from the area immediately.  We are highly confident in the measures that have been taken to ensure the safety of all

    Be sure to watch Pumpkinfest on Saturday, October 3 starting at 9am to enjoy the whole Pumpkinfest experience from the comfort of your own home at www.pumpkinfest.org.

    Stay Home and Stay Healthy.



    August 14, 2020 | 0 comments

    Saugeen Shores, ON

    For the 34th year running, the Port Elgin Pumpkinfest Bruce Power International Weigh-off will continue uninterrupted by the ongoing pandemic.

    “While this year has brought some challenges, our committees have put a solid plan in place to continue our much-loved event while maintaining the safety of our staff, volunteers and growers”, noted Pumpkinfest President Dave Mensher.  Social distancing will be maintained with mandatory mask use and a directional traffic plan for the weigh-off.

    “With the exceptional weather we’ve had, and the limited number of events this year, this may be the year that we see some long-standing records shattered”, said grower committee chair, Doug Court.

    “Our growers have been loyal to Pumpkinfest year after year and recognize us as one of the premier events in Ontario, Canada and World-Wide, so we wanted to ensure that we could provide a safe venue for our growers to showcase their prize-winning entries in 2020 when many other events have been cancelled.”

    New this year, the weigh-off and other events will be broadcast live on Saturday, October 3rd at pumpkinfest.org for viewers to experience Pumpkinfest from the safety of their homes.  There will be no public attendance or street festival.

    “I’ve been really impressed by the creativity our committees have demonstrated this year to enhance Pumpkinfest ” said Dave Mensher.  “Our Cinderella’s Carriage Car Show will be rolling through Grey-Bruce on Sunday, October 4th to bring the event to our audience while maintaining safety.”

    Port Elgin Pumpkinfest is an award-winning community festival, contributing to Saugeen Shores year after year as it attracts residents as well as visitors from far beyond the community.

    For more information please visit pumpkinfest.org.

    The Prize Structure can be found at https://www.pumpkinfest.org/giant-vegetables/prize-list/


  • Pumpkinfest is going On-Line in light of COVID-19!
    July 1, 2020 | 5 comments

    The Pumpkinfest Board of Directors is proud to announce that Pumpkinfest 2020 is going ahead! It will take place on Oct 3rd, as originally planned, but it will have some special modifications.

    It will not look like it has in the past! Working closely with the Grey-Bruce Health Unit and the Municipal and Provincial governments we will meet all guidelines and recommendations while we continue to offer this great festival experience in a new way.

    This year’s event will be presented as a web-based streaming event that continues to feature our famous International Giant Vegetable Weigh-Off! Additional events will be added as the committees meet and start to format the new attractions and events.

    “I’m proud of the Pumpkinfest Board members for being so proactive and thoughtful in their decision” states coordinator, Joanne Robbins “amidst a number of event cancellations they are moving forward with excitement and enthusiasm and are confident we can deliver a fantastic event while staying socially responsible.”

    General inquiries should be directed to / 519-389-3714